Freelance .NET Xamarin MAUI IoT Developer that just so happens to fly a Boeing 787 around the world.

Using the Azure Percept as an Aircraft Part Checker

Can the Percept EYE camera be used to aid store room staff to pack the correct aircraft parts for shipping?

This tutorial will show how I use the Azure Percept and Custom Vision to train a model to identify Aircraft Components to aid the warehouse staff in picking and packing the correct parts before shipping.

First Impressions of the Azure Percept DK

Unboxing the Percept DK and first thoughts on the device and the tooling.

I'll be unboxing the new Azure Percept DK that was kindly loaned to me by Microsoft and showing how easy it is to set-up and detailing it's specs and first thoughts.

Finding and 3D Printing a Hand

Finding a hand design that works and how we went about 3D printing and making it fit...

Handy the Big Picture!

The story behind #Handy the project to build a Prosthetic Hand.